Thursday, August 18, 2011

About us and the blog

Who are we? When did we decide to blog?
Well, I can't answer the second question. It just happened. But I can tell you who we are. We are two 22 years old physics students from Erlangen, Germany. We know each other for about 2 years now. Somehow, both of us ended up spending our 5th term in Lund, Sweden. Nothing special about that I think. So what's the purpose?
I'm quite sure you've noticed Japanese Girls taking pictures of each other: exaggerated smile, index and middle fingers raised and parted like a "V". What does it mean? Victory? Well, yeah, of course...
But there's a gesture even worse and often used in cheap ads, performed by firemen, policemen, nurses, teachers, garbagemen and even insurance agents use it: the thumb. Just call it "the thumb". Of course refined with a grin which I can't describe with any words existing in the english language. But you'll see...

1 comment:

  1. LOL, conquering Sweden with a two men army and a few cans of beer. I think you need some sort of bigger "weapons", for the beginning my proposal is something like this:
    So contact me and I deliver everything for money. ^^ Maybe some day I'm able to send you our special tactical drinking force L.A.R.A. (love alcohol - remaining anything). But for now you are on your own.
    Good luck, Gentlemen!
