Thursday, August 18, 2011

Our trip to Sweden

We never thought about writing a blog that early, but yet pictures do exist!
On the 11th of August, we startet our trip. Since we haven't been stuck in any traffic jams, we arrived about 3 hours early in Rostock where our ferry was waiting for us.
First guys we met there: 4 Bavarians with 250 litres of beer, visiting a friend in Sweden. They told us that there is a big fair at the port and we have to go there. Without a better plan we followed them by car. End of the story: we had to pay 3,20€ of toll for a tunnel leading in the opposite direction. Obviously, they didn't know where to go so we tried to get back to the port without using the tunnel. It was a long way round but somehow we arrived at the fair! Rico just can't believe it (neither can the woman next to him)!

After we enjoyed the nice sight, we headed back to our ferry where we had to wait for another hour to get on bord. I think Rico ate way to much sweets!

Well, what to tell about the passage? We had a small but very cosy cabin and just slept for 7 hours. No big drama. Not that impressive. We arrived at Trelleborg and hit the road for the last 20km to Lund where we met our couchsurfer. But that's a different story.

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