Monday, October 17, 2011

Dedicated to my friends in Erlangen: Night in Lund

This post is dedicated to all of you I left behind (I know... only for half a year).
But please don't get me wrong:  It's NOT because you hate the thumb and there are no thumbs at all (!) this time. It's because university starts again in Erlangen and already half of my time in Lund is over! Noooooo!

A few days ago, there was a beautiful sunset. Unfortunately, I was at home and so the next building of Vildanden (the place, where I live now) blocked half of the picture. It's a pity.

The other pictures were taken by night. I was on my way home and pretty drunk. No, my camera did not speak to me, but I really felt like I had to take those pictures.


And finally, the picture I'm really proud of. Please don't ask me who put the chairs there.

Yeah, that's it already. But the next entry will be huuuuge!
I told you so much and still I feel like I missed the most important part: the nations (wtf? I know what a nation is!) and the partys (yeah, there are parties in Lund and already way too many pictures in facebook).

To my friends back home:
Ich wünsch euch nen guten Start ins neue Semester. Ich hoffe, die Profs taugen was, macht euch nicht verrückt (Lara, Elli) und vor allem viel viel Spaß! Macht's gut, ich würde so gerne mit euch feiern.
Haltet die Ohren steif, ich liebe euch <3

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