Tuesday, October 04, 2011

For thumb-haters: the countryside

Hej friends, here we are again!
This time, again, something special: virtually no thumbs! And it's not because of you who complain all the time ("Please guys, stop it! I really cannot see it anymore. Pleeaaassseee!")  No. It's because we want to show you the nice sights that Sweden offers.
There is a friend of ours who spends his time abroad in Portugal. I am so jealous: lying on the beach all day, enjoying the sun and damn, it's still kind of summerish there! Well, Torben, there are days when it doesn't rain in Sweden and there are a lot of nice places!!!

First place I want to show you is Lomma Beach. Lomma is very close to Lund (~10km) and it's a very nice place to spend a sunny afternoon. On our way, we went to the local LIDL, because Rico (of course) wanted some chocholate. I love LIDL (friends from Erlangen will understand) and guess what: it's one of the cheapest! Still a bad picture to start with (thumb) but yeah... Rico found the perfect bike!

Oh no! Another thumb-picture! I really have to apologise but there is a reason: I want to introduce someone: Michalis! I don't remember where we met for the first time but according to Rico, he is the best guy ever (and he really is!): Thumbs up for Michalis!

As you can see on the picture above, it wasn't very warm - especially for a guy from Greece - but there were a lot of people windsurfing (Swedes are resistant?)

Well, you might recognise this picture but unlike the one on my facebook profile this is not photoshopped (of course, the pictures I post in facebook aren't edited :P)

 Blue sky! (by the way: Rico doesn't like it)

The huge bridge in the background connects Sweden (Malmö) and Denmark (Copenhagen). It's nearly 8km long and you are able to travel to Copenhagen in less than 40 minutes (10€)!


 As you can see, we really were the only three people on the beach, but we had chocholate, cookies and a nice afternoon!

This is the way Lomma looks like, when it is warm (ok, not really warm) and sunny (still windy). The water was freezing cold and what makes it even worse: you have to walk in knee-deep water forever till it gets deeper. I was swimming for some time and usually you start freezing as soon as you leave the water, but the water was so cold that even the strong wind felt warm!

This was our first short trip with Michalis, but after Rico told him that we are going to spend two days at some lakes he joined us without any hesitation! Since we didn't know anything about the Swedish countryside we just picked some random place: Växjö. And guess what: It was an awesome choice!
It's only 180km from Lund but it took us nearly 3 hours to get there. The streets looked like a German Autobahn but still there are speed limits all the time (90km/h!). In contrast to Germany, Sweden does not want to squeeze money out of you: every speed camera is signalised by a sign (and we saw a lot on our trip)!

The same spot than in the picture above. Without real clouds, it suddenly started fake-raining. Unfortunately, the fake-rain turned into real rain.

But half an hour later which we spend in the car the sun came out again!

Since I don't know too much about cars, I'm not able to explain it to you, but is there always a plug coming out of the car?

The weather was perfect those days but still - no people at all! Not even in the more touristic places like this old castle.

And I now have to present Michalis favourite tree! (Actually, I don't remember why...)

A blog is definitely not the right place to tell it, but anyway: you cannot image how long we sat there and just enjoyed the silence: you don't hear anyone, you don't see anyone. It was perfect.

 Once again, Rico had to play the fool :P

After he climbed the tree successfully, it took him forever to come down again. So he decided to stay forever!

In the evening we drove back to Växjö since we needed a place to spend the night. There was only one hostel and that was so expensive! We (=3) decided to sleep in the car. It was not the best decision. During the night, it was so cold that you couldn't sleep and in the morning, it was so wet in the car that we weren't able to see through the windows.
[Short addition: Rico wants me to put it straight. He had an awesome night, sleeping with his back on the handbrake, his knees leened against the horn and his head on the window.]
Still I'm glad that we returned to Växjö, since we discovered a beautiful castle. I want to live there!

The next day, we left Växjö because we wanted to go canoeing. Well, we missed the opening hours by 30 minutes.

Riciiiii <3

One of my favourite pictures. It's how Sweden should look like - the way you know it from the movies.

This is a man-made sandy beach close to a camping site. Again: huge area - no people.

Rico found a boat of his own! I don't know how he managed but he was seasick afterwards!

For the ending of our trip, we bought a instant grill and some sausages and went hiking. Biggest problem we had: where to stay for dinner. There are like a 1000 (no exeggeration) lakes and every single place is so beautiful!

Since it took us so long to decide, poor Rico wanted to taste a mushroom Michalis gave to him. C'est trop mignoooon! ;)

And guess what happened!

Luckily, after some meditation he recovered to full health.

 Let the Greek work! (I apologise immediately but it was right there.)

How did he do it? I don't know!

Believe me or don't. The water was cold. Damn cold. Still, the best thing to do. I think, Rico wants to tell us that he cannot feel his feet anymore!

And finally: dinner! There is nothing better than a barbeque in the wilds! I promise!

With this last view I have to say goodbye for now. I wish you could have experienced it with us ='(

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